i am inappropriate and indecent

from where i come from isn't interesting. of what i do isn't much of a hooray-whoopdeedoo. i just want to inject more sleep in my life. give me your best comforters and pillows and i will make you my favorite celebrity.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I had no intention to maintain this blogspot blog, but here i am. I created this for the purpose of adding comments to paco's blog. that's it.

However, being characteristically madaling magsawa, I give up too easily on routine. What the hell am i saying.

I'd like to share this...thing. I reaaaally love Silversun Pickups' song, "Lazy Eye". It's so Smashing Pumpkins with a bit of My Bloody Valentine. The instruments are kind of droning, but the melody is sweet. I loff listening to it endlessly. But damn shit, i don't know how to post videos here. :O

For this month until the next, I'll be super busy as fuck. But i know i'll also be as super rich as fuck after all the hard work. but this will all be hard-earned money. Oh god. Hope I can finish all these design and illustration tasks without dying and seeking medication from the shrink.

x x x
part 2: changes

July 2005, I looked like this, with my head tilted for added drama:

I looked like this last year, around march:

Now I look like this, after a year:

I'm the one with the beer bottle.
Haha... Que bar-banidosohan! Puro eyebags na lang ang nakikita ko!

I feel that I change a lot physically--from the hair, to my skin complexion, to my outfits... I never look the same. What I looked like, three months ago, isn't me anymore. Labo ba. I guess that goes also to my habits, whatever.

But some things never change. Like my values, and principles. I'm still vegetarian after three years plus. And I'm still in love with that person, even after a year of void.


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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Since i am boring, i decided to make a blogspot blog.

Four jobs I have had in my life:

  1. Art teacher

  2. Graphic Artist

  3. Taga-bantay ng videoshop

  4. Magiging researcher

Four Movies I have watched over and over: (...only four?!)

  1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

  2. DEAD POETS SOCIETY oh my gaaad! forever

  3. Garden State

  4. Austin Powers hahaha

Four places I have lived:

  1. Barangka Marikina

  2. Provident Village, Marikina

  3. Sa Hinge Office

  4. Muntinlupa

Four TV shows I usually watch:
(When I used to watch tv)

  1. The Simpsons

  2. Spongebob Squarepants

  3. Strangebrew!!!

  4. UNTV and VH1 videos

Four places I have been on vacatio

    1. Pangasinan

    2. Cagayan Valley

    3. Mindanao
    4. Mga bundoks

    My four favorite foods:

    1. Chocolate

    2. Mediterranean Veggie Medley sandwich ng Fruit Magic

    3. Veggie Pizza ng Shakey's

    4. Calimaki

    My four favorite drinks:

    1. soymilk

    2. redhorse

    3. vodka cruiser

    4. milkshakes

    My four favorite books:

    1. Sam and The Firefly- PD Eastman

    2. Music For Chameleons-Truman Capote

    3. Creepy Susie-Angus Oblong

    4. Personal-Rene Villanueva

    Four places I would rather be right now:

    1. in bed
    2. in la union
    3. wrapped around someone's arms (naks)
    4. with morrissey